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Hajo Libor
Hajo, born and raised in Hamburg, studied Aeronautical and Astronautical engineering at the Technical University in Munich and finished his studies at Airbus Industries designing an ultra-high capacity aircraft. His first two years of work experience was spent in the auditing division of Arthur Anderson. In 1995, together with Vladimir and Jan-Peter Rudolf, Hajo founded their first software development company, RKK, in Prague. After the acquisition of RKK by Veridicom and later by ST Microelectronics, Hajo held the positions of Vice President Europe for Veridicom and Managing Director of ST Microelectronics. In 2004, Hajo worked in project management in the field of artificial intelligence and semantics.
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Vladimir Lieberzeit
Vladimir, born and raised in Prague, studied Electrical Engineering at the Czech Technical University. He graduated with distinction and got the Education Minister’s Award for outstanding academic achievement. He later completed an MBA course at the Sheffield Hallam University in 2007. From 1995 he was CTO of RKK, the company he founded together with Hajo. Their start-up team was finally acquired by Apple in 2012. He then worked as Site leader of the Czech Apple team until founding PhiTech. Vladimir co-invented an authentication device patented for Apple.
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Hana Grubhofferova
AI & Semantics
Hana, born and raised in Prague, studied Mathematical statistics and probability theory at the Faculty of Mathematics at Charles University Prague, where she graduated as a RNDr. She is interested in languages – especially natural language processing, her work experience includes software development, management and project management at Apple. She started in the localization sector and joined RKK in 1999. She brings us years of experience of an international environment in both small companies and major corporations. She has a passion for new technologies and extraordinary challenges. She is our specialist for ElasticSearch, semantics and machine learning.
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